Monday, November 10, 2014

I Feel Like I'm Taking Crazy Pills

All I want for a government party is one that's less invasive in both social and economic issues. Screw me right?

Here are some issues I'm passionate about, and want more accurate information and research readily available:

 - More sustainable agriculture
 - Actual Net Neutrality, where the companies that own the roads can't own the shops on the roads too. If that were the case, the companies could create monopolies by having really nice roads by their shops, and horrible little roads by competitors' shops. (If it were people owning these things it wouldn't be as big a problem) The federal government can't even manage their own medical website and Title II would put a committee in charge of the whole internet infrastructure. It could be worse I guess, Title II isn't the worst thing that could happen.
 - Internet should be open to everybody
 - Transparency of Medical costs
 - Politicians only know how to make money and or create/find loopholes in laws. How can we expect them to understand issues that would be cleared up by analyzing data?
 - People can't expect to influence the government as much as corporations do

I plan on adding things to this list as I argue with people about them.

Generic political rant: politicians seem to be in left field. They start off on the right issues heading on the right base path but then veer off into left field. Then the opposing side goes off chasing him in left field still trying to tag him out.

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