Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tech Game

Goin to Lubbock this weekend! I will be so happy to see my grandparents, and a couple people I met in Thailand - Michael and P'Bhee. I went to Abilene last weekend to see David, Kristen, and Ava, and I am so glad I did. However, it made me hate the distances between me and my friends and family even more. I hate how far away my friends in Thailand are, how far away Abilene is, the distance to my family & friends in Irving, Oklahoma and Kansas, and friends from college station spreading everywhere pretty soon. I've been thinking about that a lot lately, and this made me wonder if Jesus ever teleported anywhere while he had a physical body supposedly constricted by time and space.

I think this guy is my favorite comedian. I wish he didn't cuss, but his jokes are cleaner than the average comedian I think.

1 comment:

  1. I hate the distances too my friend. However, I am thankful that we can watch/hear the Cowboys annihilate the Falcons no matter how far apart we are!
